Consumers have strong influence on what industry is doing

How To Increase Consumer Awareness?

Key Intermediate in Water Oxidation Catalysis Characterized
Seven-coordinate Ru=O intermediate studied in situ

Sustainable Aviation Solutions
Neste launches online hub to raise awareness about sustainable aviation solutions

Driving Chemistry and Europe
Mobility that favors exchanges between researchers is extremely important for the scientific community

Origin and Evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere
Our ChemPubSoc Europe Advent Calendar highlights articles from magazines of the ChemPubSoc Europe societies

Low-Cost and Pump-Free Water Desalination
Fabric-based method could be useful for remote areas

Most Accessed Articles: November 2017
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Enzyme Breaks Down Plastics
Improved understanding of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) hydrolase

Neste Extends Capacity in Singapore Refinery
Additional production capacity for renewable diesel, renewable aviation fuel, and raw materials for various biochemical uses

Bacteria on Sand Grains
Amazing number and diversity of bacteria detected on sediment grains