Authors of book on the chemistry of renewables honored by German Chemical Industry Fund (FCI)
Literature Prize for Arno Behr and Thomas Seidensticker
Happy Birthday ChemistryViews!
Launched on this day ten years ago in Paris by 16 European chemical societies - Celebrate with us and have the chance to win prizes
Chemistry Europe Fellows 2018/2019
Chemistry Europe is proud to honor its new Fellows for their support and contributions towards the European joint publishing venture
How to Collaborate on Writing
Possibilities of working together on a text online and in real-time
Our Owner Societies Start into a New Future
ChemPubSoc Europe becomes Chemistry Europe
65th Birthday: Eva Wille
Former Vice President and Executive Director at Wiley-VCH
How to Deal with Fake News
It's worthwhile for scientists to share their knowledge and invest in honest brokers—for example, in strong science journalism
Editorials Celebrate the Anniversaries of Two ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
25 years of Chemistry – A European Journal and 20 years of ChemBioChem
Things Are Just a Little Bit Harder
Nicola Gaston, University of Auckland, New Zealand, talks about fairness and equality in research
Supporting Talented Researchers in Chemistry and Biology
Ruben Ragg, ChemBioChem, created ChemBioTalents in 2018 to promote outstanding early career researchers and fight bias