David Flanagan, Senior Director, Generative AI Product Strategy, Wiley, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with
AI Might Be a Second Brain, Not a Replacement Brain
New Editor-in-Chief for ChemCatChem
Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. Sandra González Gallardo as Editor-in-Chief of ChemCatChem
New Editor-in-Chief for ChemPlusChem
Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. Axel Straube as Editor-in-Chief of ChemPlusChem
One Submission = One Tree: Angewandte Chemie Plants 5000th Tree
Under the slogan “Make your ideas grow”, the journal Angewandte Chemie has launched an initiative to support reforestation
cOAlition S Seeks Research Community Feedback on New Proposal
cOAlition S advocates for open publication of articles and peer-review reports without author fees, allowing authors to choose initial publication venues
New Editor-in-Chief for ChemElectroChem and Batteries & Supercaps
Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. Rosalba A. Rincón as Editor-in-Chief of ChemElectroChem and Batteries & Supercaps
Wiley and German DEAL Consortium Agree on New 5-Year Agreement
The new agreement will bring additional benefits to the German research system
Trees for Future—Angewandte Chemie’s Rethinking Chemistry Initiative
One tree will be planted for every manuscript submitted to the journal
Introducing Wiley’s Journal Finder
Simplifying journal selection for authors
Farewell to Static Print and PDF Articles?
Will text-generated AI shift the publication practice of articles towards updatable FAIR datasets?