ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. David Peralta as Editor-in-Chief of ChemMedChem

ChemMedChem Appoints New Editor-in-Chief

Why Agree to an Article Transfer?
Your questions about article transfer answered—as an author and as a referee

Do You Fit the Angewandte Mold?
What makes a successful author of Angewandte Chemie?

Eye-Catching Article Summary
Jean-François Nierengarten, France, talks about using short videos to summarize main findings of a research study

ChemistryOpen Appoints New Editor-in-Chief
Kate Lawrence named as Editor-in-Chief of ChemistryOpen

12 Tips for Referees
Some of the issues faced by reviewers, from the perspective of an editor's seat

From Manuscript to Article
What happens between submission and publication of your scientific article?

What is an ORCID?
Why should you have one and how do you get one? What kind of data are stored?

European Society Magazines
Meeting under the motto "ChemPubSoc Europe: working together, experimenting together, sharing success"

Historical Facts of the GDCh
Foundation of the society and the history of its journals, divisions, young chemists group, presidents, etc.