Former Vice President and Executive Director at Wiley-VCH

65th Birthday: Eva Wille

How to Deal with Fake News
It's worthwhile for scientists to share their knowledge and invest in honest brokers—for example, in strong science journalism

Editorials Celebrate the Anniversaries of Two ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
25 years of Chemistry – A European Journal and 20 years of ChemBioChem

Supporting Talented Researchers in Chemistry and Biology
Ruben Ragg, ChemBioChem, created ChemBioTalents in 2018 to promote outstanding early career researchers and fight bias

Did You Know This About ChemistryViews
ChemistryViews turns ten this year—celebrate with us

Start-of-the-Year Editorials of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
Editors in Chief look in their editorials at the highlights of the past year and give an outlook on what is to come

Top 10 Countries in Chemistry in the Nature Index
Institutions and countries which dominated research in the natural sciences in 2018

ROR – Unique Identifier for Institutions
ROR identifies the affiliations associated with research outputs

Happy New Year!
The team of wishes you a peaceful, healthy, and successful New Year 2020

Get Full Text Research (GetFTR)
A group of the largest scholarly publishers improved discovery and access of research articles on their webistes