Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Guess the Chemist (65)

Composite Catalyst for Water Oxidation
Noble-metal-free polyoxometalate catalyst for electrochemical alkaline water splitting

Science, Not Silence!
On April 22nd, Earth Day, thousands all over the world marched for science

Progress in Indian Chemistry Research
India contributes growing numbers of chemistry articles, but is still underrepresented for highly cited papers

Estimate Genetically Modified Pollen Spread
More precise model to predict how far genetically modiefied (GM) pollen travel

Stretchable Light-Emitting Diodes
Composite emitter, made of polymer and organometal-halide-perovskite emitters, has high brightness and low operation voltage

Redefinition of the Kelvin
New definition of the unit of thermodynamic temperature on the basis of a natural constant, the Boltzmann constant

What are Fluorescence and Phosphorescence?
Certain substances emit light after the absorption of photons

Guess the Chemist (64)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

European Society Magazines
Meeting under the motto "ChemPubSoc Europe: working together, experimenting together, sharing success"