Tiny rotation of two graphene lattices changes the electrical properties of the material

Graphene Turn On and Off Superconductor

Nanoscale Lens For Tiny Cameras
First lens that can focus the entire visible spectrum of light in the same spot in high resolution

The Importance of Nobel Prizes for Today's Research
Talking with Nobel Prize Committee member Jan Bäckvall and with Ken Houk, author of the first article in the review series "The Nobel Legacy"

Guess the Chemist (75)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Great Architecture and Chemists in Dahlem
Walking tour through Dahlem, one of the richest parts of Berlin and an important historical center for academic research

The Upper Limits of Oxidation States
Joint theoretical–experimental study reveals a maximum oxidation state near +8 under ambient conditions

75th Guess the Chemist
Could you have guessed all the famous scientists? Solve this month's quiz and win a power bank!

Conductivity Changes with Thickness
Reduced thickness causes metallic material to become semiconducting

Regulating Diffusion in Wet Chemistry
Melting frozen metal salts into reducing solutions controls nucleation of atomically dispersed metals

Giant Atom Swallows Neighboring Atoms
First experimental creation of Rydberg polarons