Test your knowledge of the World Cup ball

World Cup Ball Chemistry Quiz

Predicting the Properties of Self-Associating Compounds
Computational models for hydrogen-bonded amphiphiles

Methane Adsorption in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Combination of experimental and computational methods provides insights into methane adsorption and mobility

Organic Molecules on Mars
NASA rover Curiosity detects various organic compounds in Martian rocks

Commitment to European Chemistry
F. De Angelis, Italy, on EuCheMS, ChemPubSoc Europe, the Italian Chemical Society, and his motivation for society work

Two-Dimensional Crystals
Amazing microscopic pictures of home-grown crystals

New Kids on the Table: Is Element 118 a Noble Gas? – Part 3
The first synthesis of element 118, its properties, and naming new elements

The Power of Chemistry for Humanity
President of the Italian Chemical Society, Angela Agostiano, about her vision for chemical societies and the societal importance of chemistry

The Next Generation of Portuguese Chemists
History, goals, and activities of the Young Chemists Group of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ)

Guess the Chemist (78)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?