ExxonMobil becomes first energy company to join the IBM Q Network

Research into Quantum Computing for Energy

150th Birthday: Richard Abegg
Pioneer of valence theory known for Abegg's rule, a precursor to the octet rule

New President of the Polish Chemical Society
Izabela Nowak from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU) is the new President of the Polish Chemical Society (PCS)

First Single-Component Quasicrystal
A particular type of nanoparticle building blocks can assemble themselves into a quasicrystalline superlattice

ORCID Reviewer Recognition
Not-for-profit organization offers to automatically add information about reviews completed for a scholarly publication to personal profile

Editors' Choice: Spotlights from Chemistry Europe
Selection of just published articles from Chemistry Europe journals

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Guess the Chemist (85)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

New Year’s Eve Chemistry
Impress your friends on the New Year's Eve party with these chemistry-based facts

Iron-Based Hybrid Electrocatalysts
Hybrid nanoparticles with synergetic effects that enhance the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) performance