Atomic spectrum of promethium studied using laser resonance ionization spectroscopy

Ionization Energy of Promethium Measured—Almost 75 Years After Its Discovery

Guess the Chemist (91)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Behind the Science: Calibrating Light Sources for Photochemistry
D. Nolan, ChemPhotoChem, talked to A. Heckel, University of Frankfurt about his work on a new universal chemical actinometer

100th Anniversary: Death of Lord Rayleigh
Nobel Laureate co-discovered argon and explained the phenomenon of Rayleigh scattering

Crude Oil Dissolved in Water
Cheap and simple approach to analyze the composition of crude oil using isotope exchange

2018 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
Newest Journal Citation Report results

Which Can of Beer Has Been Shaken?
How do you distinguish a shaken can of carbonated beverage from an unshaken one?

Highest Magnetic Field
Electromagnet that is stronger, smaller, and more versatile than ever before

How Individual Nanoparticles on a Support Melt
Atomic-resolution imaging of surface and core melting in individual Au nanoclusters on a carbon support

New Stage in Atomic-Resolution Electron Microscopy
Magnetic objective lens system realizes a magnetic field-free environment at the sample position