BASF and NGK partner to achieve an increase in power and higher number of cycles per time unit

Developing Next Generation Sodium-Sulfur Batteries

Equilibrating Equality – The Current Situation of LGBTQ Scientists
Being part of a sexual or gender minority in the sciences

Equilibrating Equality – Twelve LGBTQ Chemists Share Their Experiences
Highlighting chemists who have contributed to the visibility initiative "500 Queer Scientists"

Guess the Chemist (95)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

ChemPlusChem Appoints New Editor-in-Chief
Jonathan Faiz named as Editor-in-Chief of ChemPlusChem

Controversial Quantum Computing Breakthrough
Quantum computer performs task thought to be almost impossible on a classical computer

CNRS Gold Medal for Thomas Ebbesen
One of the most prestigious French scientific awards goes to Franco-Norwegian physical chemist

Bug Can Lead to Errors in Calculated NMR Shifts
"Willoughby–Hoye" scripts have a a previously unrecognized issue; researchers should check their results

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
The prize was awarded to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino for the development of lithium-ion batteries

Nobel Prize in Physics 2019
The prize was awarded with one half to J. Peebles, USA, and the other half jointly to M. Mayor, Switzerland, and D. Queloz, UK