American chemist co-discovered promethium

50th Anniversary: Death of Charles D. Coryell

Guess the Chemist (109)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Water Electrolyzer for Mars
One of the main challenges for manned Mars expeditions is the need for sufficient oxygen and fuel

The Content you Liked Best in 2020
Take a look at ChemistryViews' most viewed content published throughout the year 2020

New EuChemS President
Floris Rutjes, Radboud University, the Netherlands, has been elected president of EuChemS

New GÖCH President
The Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH) elected Peter Gärtner, TU Wien, as their new president

The Chemistry of Fireworks
The video shows what happens during fireworks and how chemistry is involved

Guess the Chemist – Spices Special (4)
Can you guess the chemist? – The person has something to do with spices in the broadest sense

Print Your Own Mars Rover
ExoMy is a fully 3D printed rover inspired by ExoMars, developed by the European Space Agency (ESA)

Inverted Fluorescence
Discovery of chromophores that emit light in the ultraviolet region when excited with visible light