Using carbon nanotubes as a battery’s electrode gives a tenfold increase in power by weight, compared to lithium-ion batteries.

Power Boost

Watery No-Man's Land
Water exists in 15 distinct phases, now research shows that at 180 K ice and liquid can coexist after water crystallizes.

Loosening the Purse Strings
The EU will add EUR 40 million to its contribution to the international Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) program.

Hot Spots
Quantum dots employed to increase solar cell efficiency from the current limit of 30 % to more than 60 %.

Angew. Chem. 27/2010: Communication Matters
Overview on the current issue of the Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Long Fuse
George Whitesides describes how dots of salt can be used to transmit information for times electronics or batteries fail.

Self-Assembling Devices
Design strategy with side-chain incompatibility provides promise for the realization of much greater photoconducting output.

Georg Schwedt Awarded Prize
GDCh award prizes to authors who communicate an understanding of chemistry to the general public.

Graphene Sandwiches
A bottom-up strategy was used for the large-scale production of 2D graphene-based nanosheets that have a sandwichlike structure.

G. Ozin Wins Prize
Wiley-VCH author Professor Geoffrey Ozin wins the Premier's Discovery Award in Natural Sciences and Engineering.