Fraunhofer Awarded

Fraunhofer Awarded

Fraunhofer is rewarded with the European Innovation Price for developing new solar cells (metamorphic triple-junction solar cells)

Chirality by Stirring

Chirality by Stirring

Chirailty of supramolecular species determined by shear rate and drag forces from stirring flows

Switchable Cavitands

Switchable Cavitands

Conditions for switching between vase and kite conformations have been determined in dye-labeled cavitands

New Periodic Table

New Periodic Table

An extended periodic table with 54 predicted elements has been mapped out by Pekka Pyykkö, University of Helsinki, Finland

New EuCheMS President

New EuCheMS President

The EuCheMS elected Ulrich Schubert, Vienna University of Technology, member of the Austrian chemical society, as their new president

C=O Activation in CO2

C=O Activation in CO2

First step to using CO2 as a chemical feedstock – theoretical studies reveal mechanism of CO2 activation by uranium complex