Nucleosides form the basis of DNA. But how did they evolve? The energetics of formation suggests phosphates were involved

Energetics of Origin of Life

All Sprayed at Once
One-step process gives cheap and versatile way of producing ultrathin coatings by simultaneous spraying of interacting substances

Surfaces and Interfaces
Innovative techniques allows the study of interfaces with great precision and could lead to rational design of catalytic materials

Angewandte Chemie 48/2010: Colorful Variety
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition

B. Z. Shakhashiri Voted ACS President
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, voted 2011 ACS President

Cloaking Device
Making the passage of time invisible (and the illusion of a Star Trek transporter)

Novel Hybrid Fuel Cell Design
Synthesized anion-conducting polymers characterized on hybrid polymer electrolyte fuel cell with acidic anode/membrane & alkaline cathode

New Detection of Nuclear Material
Scheme for detecting a concealed source of radioactive material without searching shipping containers one by one proposed

Job: Assistant Editor Positions
Chemistry – An Asian Journal/Chemistry – A European Journal/ChemCatChem/ChemSusChem offer Assistant Editor positions (f/m)

Holographic Polymer – New Era in 3D Cinema?
Photorefractive polymer used in first quasi-real-time, three dimensional holographic display