Catalytic nanoshuttles able to propel and navigate drug carriers to target destinations for rapid delivery of drugs
Drug Delivery with Nanoshuttles
New Insights Into Oxygen Reduction Reaction
First-principles-based mechanistic study of the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Pt(111) electrodes is presented
Artificial Photosynthesis?
Bridging link in Ru–anthracene donor-acceptor couples influences energy transfer rate; implications for artificial photosynthesis
Angewandte Chemie 46/2010: Food for Thought
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Mess-ter Comic – ROP is Easy!
A comic series by Sophie Lin: In part 3 she depicts how chemistry can sometimes surprise you
Revised Climate Model
Climate models underestimate ozone levels shows the determination of the rate constant of atmospheric nitric acid formation
Urban Grime in Local Air Quality
In the presence of solar light and photosensitizer, nitrate may actively contribute to the photochemical pollution
Fraunhofer Awarded
Fraunhofer is rewarded with the European Innovation Price for developing new solar cells (metamorphic triple-junction solar cells)
DBU’s German Environmental Award
Most lucrative environmental prize in Europe awarded; special prize goes to Mikhail Gorbachev
Chirality by Stirring
Chirailty of supramolecular species determined by shear rate and drag forces from stirring flows