Pictures from the Electrochemistry conference in Bochum, Germany

Electrochemistry 2010 Snapshots

Tunable Plastic Thermometers
Tunable, (super)conductive plastic films made with ion beam and used for electrical resistance thermometers

Atmospheric Chemistry Affects All
ChemPhysChem dedicates a special issue to three top contributors to atmospheric chemistry: P. Mirabel, G. Le Bras and R. Lesclaux

Graphene Model
Professor H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger, Germany, diplays the beauty of chemical structures with new molecular models - graphene shown

Improved Li Batteries
The world’s smallest battery, with an anode of a single nanowire, has been created inside a TEM to study its charging in detail

Physics Nobel Award Controversy
The Nobel Prizes will be formally awarded today, but the physics decision has come under close scrutiny

Organic Electronics on Banknotes
Banknotes with organic thin-film transistors could make active anti-counterfeiting measures and electronic tracking possible

Angewandte Chemie 50/2010: Looking Back and Ahead
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Writing with a Nanoquill
Dip-pen nanolithography can be used to draw nanopatterns with viruses as the ink

Searching for Xmas Presents?
Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...