Tunable, pH-responsive nanoparticles can be selectively activated in different endocytic compartments

Endocytic-Targeting, pH-Responsive Nanoparticles

Single Peptide-Surface Interaction
Investigations into how peptides bind to surfaces show that weak, non-covalent interactions may be the key to new biomimetic materials

Brighter Future for OLEDs
Could a one-atom thick sheet of chlorine revolutionize the next generation of flat-panel displays and lighting technology?

Volcano-Proof Coatings for Jet Engines
Jet engine coatings that are more resistant to volcanic ash may prevent the extensive disruption to air travel seen last year

Angewandte Chemie 17/2011: A Good Catch
An overview of the latest edition of Angewandte Chemie

Two Layers for Artificial Photosynthesis
Tandem catalysis by nanocrystals with two distinct metal–metal oxide interfaces could be used for artificial photosynthesis

One Step to Graphene Composites
Graphene–metal nanocomposites normally made by multistep techniques can now be made in one step by electrodeposition

Protein Engineering for Intelligent Biomaterials
Biologically inspired material responds to multiple stimuli and has both upper and lower critical solution temperatures

Quantum Dots for Gene-Silencing
Gene-silencing siRNA delivered more effectively with quantum dots coated with cyclodextrin for targeted disease treatment and imaging

Thin Films with Only Chiral Faces
First example of thick films with exposed chiral and biocompatible faces for use in enantioselective heterogeneous catalysis