Celebrate the first Birthday of ChemistryViews.org with us!

Happy Birthday ChemistryViews.org

On the Surface
What role does the gas/water surface play in atmospheric chemistry and the lifecycle of pollutants?

World Metrology Day 2011
The 2011 message – chemical measurements for our life, our future – builds upon the IYC 2011 theme

Simple and Fast Manufacture of Nanotube Films
New method allows preparation of single-walled carbon nanotubes during less than 15 s

Logical Combination
Combining several photochromes in a molecule allows chemists to exploit the logical operations of each unit in an all-photonic multifunctional device

3D Pictures of Nanomaterials
New method for revealing a 3D picture of the structure inside a material down to nanometer resolution

Interview with W. H. Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University
Wing-Hong Chan, not only a renown scientist, but also a passionate lecturer, talks about his career and exciting chemistry

Rudolf Eidenschink Receives Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize
Dr. Rudolf Eidenschink, President of Nematel GmbH, Mainz, Germany, receives renowned Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize

Quality of Dutch Chemical Research
Evaluation of quality of science performed within the Chemistry Departments at Dutch universities in the period 2001–2009

Molding Metallic Glass
Heating metallic glass faster than it can crystallize lets it be molded like a plastic