The mystery of why carbon nanotubes spontaneously fill with water can be explained with a little disorder

Entropic Explanation to Nanotube Mystery

Which Chemically Modified Graphene is Best?
Each production method results in different electrochemical behavior for graphenes but which is best for electrochemical devices?

New Nanoscale X-Ray Microscope
Magnetic structure can be seen at the nanoscale level without using any lenses

Video Competition
ChemistryViews Video Competition: film where chemistry appears in your everyday life

Interview with Editors of ChemistryOpen
Interview with the editors of the new ChemPubSoc Europe journal ChemistryOpen – youngest member, but a first in many aspects

How Many Atoms Fit Into C60
How many rare gas atoms can be placed into a fullerene cage until the pressure becomes large enough to break the framework?

Angewandte Chemie 33/2011: Caught on Gold
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Drops Within Drops
Emulsification processes that forms triple and quadruple emulsion drops in one step gives droplets an onion-like form

The 3D Butterfly Effect
The wings of a butterfly have served as a template for making 3D silica photonic crystals for non-linear optics applications

Angewandte Author Profiles August
Stefan Bräse, Younan Xia, Sjoerd Harder, and Stefan Hecht, are interviewed this month