Researchers reversed electrowetting to eventually allow us to produce power from a source implanted in our shoe soles

Produce Electric Power by Walking

Missing Fuel for Star Formation Located
The origin of the gas that lets the Milky Way maintain star formation has been discovered

Mechanism of Melanin Protection Uncovered
Melanin’s ability to protect from radiation comes from electric current that allows regeneration

New World Record for Magnetic Fields
US researchers have set a new world record with a pulsed magnetic field of 97.4 T, breaking record set only weeks before

Extending Cell Life by Quicker Capture
New technique that captures cells quickly and keeps them alive longer could help medical researchers run longer experiments

Single-Atom Imaging of Industrial Catalysts
State-of-the-art electron microscopy methods confirm for the first time the position of sulfur atoms at the edges of MoS2 nanocatalysts

Active Nanotube Adsorption Sites Uncovered
New understanding of carbon catalyst surface could aid development of commercial catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons

Angewandte Chemie 35/2011: In Your Brain
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Eliminating the Coffee Ring Effect
Simply changing particle shape can eliminate the ring-shaped stain that is left behind when drops of certain liquids dry

Gold Nanoparticles Boost Organic Solar Cell Efficiency
A 20 % improvement in the power conversion of organic solar cells can be achieved by incorporating gold nanoparticles