German researchers unravel a long-standing puzzle about the structure of spheroidene in the photosynthetic purple bacteria
Understanding Bacterial Photosynthesis with Quantum Mechanics
Angewandte Chemie 41/2011: Surprising Ions
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Guidelines for Isotope and Gas Ratios
The terminology and concepts behind the terms for expressing relative differences in stable isotope ratios have been clarified
Arnold Eucken Prize Awarded
The Arnold Eucken Prize has been awarded to Dr. Marco Haumann and Dr. Martin Seipenbusch
First Amino Acid Ionic Liquid Gel
Adding another ion to an amino acid ionic liquid makes it a thermotropic and ion conductive gel while retaining the ionic status
Angewandte Chemie 40/2011: Tying the Knot
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Redefining the Kelvin
New method to accurately measure the Boltzmann constant brings the redefinition of the Kelvin a step closer
Nanoantenna Separates Light According to Color
Nanoantenna is shown to scatter red and blue light in opposite directions despite being smaller than the wavelength of light
Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 23 September
Results for Friday 23 September of predictions for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Make your predictions for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry here