Wonderlab is undergoing some scheduled maintenance and Sophie is sure she turned everything off

Wonderlab Comic — Power Outage

Chemistry of the Christmas Candle — Part 1
When we light a candle, the chemistry we are pursuing is not only especially beautiful, but also especially complex

Places of Production of the Elements
Maps showing the location of the main producers of elements and the amounts produced

First Optical Metamaterial
The first metamaterial to display optical properties accross the visible region

Breathing Benzene
Derivative current-density maps reveal how so-called breathing modes in the benzene ring cause aromaticity and antiaromaticity to ebb and flow

Angewandte Author Profiles November
Michel R. Gagné, Andreas Kirschning, Fernando P. Cossio, and Jurriaan Huskens are interviewed this month

Light Vortex
Simply stirring a gelled solution of dye can result in circularly polarized luminescence

Switching On And Off the Chemical Light
Hindered photochromic benzo- and naphtho[1,3]oxazines can switch rapidly between colorless and colored forms under ultraviolet irradiation

On Being — A Scientist's Exploration of the Great Questions of Existence
Peter Atkins' new book, On Being, exploring the great questions of existence is reviewed by Uwe Meierhenrich

New Rules for Reaction Dynamics
The Polanyi rules which describe the partitioning of energy in reaction barriers have been shown to neglect long-range steric forces