The unusual properties of ice under compression are due to Coulomb repulsion between bonding and non-bonding electron pairs

Understanding Ice

Happy Easter From ChemistryViews
ChemistryViews wishes all its readers a happy Easter and recommends some articles to get you in the Easter spirit

New Phase of Hydrogen
New phase of hydrogen discovered in which the diatomic molecules break apart to form six-atom rings, similar to graphene

Boiled Eggs: Soft and Hard — Part 2
We examine an egg on its journey from hen to table, including the first in situ monitoring methods, to ensure the perfect breakfast egg

On the Dot
Recently reported new class of quantum dot has the potential to combine magnetic and optical properties, opening the door for new applications

Wonderlab Comic — I Major in Chemistry
Have you ever found yourself in one of these familiar situations when you tell people you are a chemist?

Guess the Chemist (4)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Sulfur Sandwich Lithium Batteries
The sandwich structure of a graphene/sulfur nanocomposite improves the performance of lithium sulfur batteries

New Method to Study Affect of Size on Structure
Size does matter when it comes to atoms in a crystal. A new theoretical study of inorganic chemistry might explain why

The Crisis of the Chemist — Chemists and Their Handicaps
Interview with Erwin Reicher, first ever Professor of Applied Popularity Research, University of Kleinzack, on how to make chemistry popular