Monolithic hydrogels and aerogels fabricated on macroscopic scale by simple template-directed, hydrothermal carbonization process

Large-Scale Fabrication of Hydro- And Aerogels

Boron Conjugation Holds the Key
Boron-containing π-conjugated heterocycles shed light on optoelectronics

Science on Stage Festival
European teachers are invited to share good practice in science teaching and to discuss (new) ways of improving the quality of science lessons

Conformational Analysis of Green Apple Flavor
Interesting method for future structure–odour studies to determine the lowest energy conformations of odorants and flavors

Spider Silk Violin Strings
Spider silk violin strings with a unique packing structure generate a soft and profound timbre

J. Wang Receives Breyer Medal
Joseph Wang has received the top prize in electrochemistry from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)

Polymer, Heal Thy Self
Thermoplastic elastomers with high modulus and toughness can spontaneously heal themselves and be useful in countless products

Angewandte Chemie 16/2012: Activate!
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Improved Mussel Adhesive
Biocompatible, waterproof, self-healing, and reversible: A new adhesive for medical applications?

Selective Cellulose Conversion
A series of Ni-promoted W2C catalysts was prepared and evaluated for the catalytic conversion of cellulose into ethylene glycol