Little is known about the chemistry of water on stepped surfaces, although it plays a central role in many catalytic surface reactions

Adsorption of Water on a Stepped Pt Surface

50th Anniversary: Niels Bohr’s Death
Niels Bohr proposed the model of atomic structure that is still used today

Colloids as Artificial Atoms
By imitating atomic bonding, American scientists induce the self-assembly of colloidal particles along define directions

Angewandte Chemie 47/2012: A Rich Harvest
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

70th Birthday: Wolfgang Krätschmer
Wolfgang Krätschmer, Germany, inventor of first method to produce large quantities of fullerenes, celebrates his 70th birthday

Attractiveness of the EU for Top Scientists
Study on how attractive the EU is for top international scientists and how it can improve its performance in this area

RSEQ Gold Medal to N. Martín
Highest honor of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) presented to Nazario Martín, Madrid

65th Birthday: Günter Grampp
Professor Günter Grampp, Technical University of Graz, Austria, celebrates his 65th birthday

Understanding Friction on the Nanoscale
Innovative technology to describe the behavior of individual particles of a colloid in friction conditions

Angewandte Chemie 46/2012: Creating a Pattern
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie