ChemElectroChem is recognizing and promoting the contributions of female researchers to inspire and encourage others to pursue careers in electrochemistry and to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible
Early Career Women in Electrochemistry
The Future of Making Molecules
A. Lapkin, University of Cambridge, on the state of the art and challenges of transforming chemistry into the digital realm
Who Will Win the Wolf Prize 2023?
Make your prediction for the most prestigious award after the Nobel Prize
New Form of Amorphous Ice Discovered
Medium-density amorphous ice formed by ball milling hexagonal ice at low temperatures
New Stuff Always Happens at the Interface
Claudia Felser on Heusler compounds, topological quantum chemistry, supporting schoolkids, in particular girls, her career path
Acid-Autocatalyzed Chemical System as a Thermochemical Clock
Autonomous activation of the chlorate–sulfite–gluconolactone system using slow acid generators
Most Accessed Articles: December 2022
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
Thermochemical Energy Storage (TCES)
Storing surplus heat in large quantities, long-term, reversible, and without insulation
New President of the Italian Chemical Society
The new President of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) is Professor Gianluca Farinola, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Angewandte Chemie 1/2023: Little Boxes
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie