Terahertz scanners will soon tell restorators quickly and completely non-destructively what is happening with an object of art
Tetraherz Radiation to Restore Artwork
Hans Wolfgang Spiess Retires
Hans Wolfgang Spiess has retired from his role as Director of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
Metals on Graphene
Electrochemistry technique gives information on graphene–metal interactions
Searching for Xmas Presents?
Still searching for a Christmas present? Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...
Angewandte Chemie 49/2012: Multilayer Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Studies on Asteroid Dust Collected by a Spacecraft
For the first time, scientists are studying asteroid dust collected directly from a body in the Solar System
DECHEMA Award for J. Gross
Joachim Gross, Germany, awarded DECHEMA Prize for his work on the thermodynamics of mixtures
Nicholas Turro (1938 – 2012)
Professor Nicholas J. Turro, Columbia University, USA, has passed away
Micro Fuel Cell of Bulk Metallic Glass
A bulk metallic glass micro fuel cell displays advantages over traditional micro fuel cell designs in terms of performance and fabrication
145 Years of Dynamite
Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel after an accident at a nitroglycerin factory killed his brother; answer to Guess the Chemist (11)