Kathrin Lange won the Newcomer Award for her work on a membrane-free spectrometer for liquids. She talks about her research and future plans

Dr. Kathrin Lange: Interview with the Wilhelm-Ostwald Newcomer Award Winner 2012

Photochemical Control of Pain
US researchers discovered a small molecule which renders pain transmitting neurons sensitive to light

Triple-Layered Microspheres
A diverse range of composite materials can be formed through the multistep growth of coordination polymers

Picture Competition – A Year in the Lab: The Chemist’s View
Submit your outstanding photo and have the chance to be selected for a calendar and win one of 12 exciting prizes

Long Wavelength Fluorescein Analogues
Modification of fluorescene leads to analogues with better photo-physical characteristics

Most Accessed Articles: March 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for March 2013

X-Rayed Water Spills Secrets
X-ray Raman spectroscopy reveals new insights into a critical chemical discovery from the nineteenth century

Stöber Method for Polymer Coating Core-Shell Nanoparticles
Modified emulsion polymerization gives excellent control of the shape and thickness of shells of core-shell nanoparticles

Catalyst Atoms in Nanowires
Silicon nanowires can be doped with surprisingly high amounts of aluminium during their growth

The Sorcerer’s Apprentices of Electrochemically Activated Valves
Nanoporous graphitic carbon electrodes display a unique electrowetting behavior that depends on specific ion effects