Did life orginiate from a comet's impact? Latest MD simulations reveal an impact synthesis mechanism for important prebiotic heterocycles

Life on the Rocks

Efficient Inkjet Printing of Graphene
Efficient and mature inkjet printing technology is introduced for mass production of coffee-ring-free patterns of high-quality graphene at high resolution

Wonderlab Comic – The Forgotten Savior
Regular checks of the safety equipment in the lab are very important as the occupants of Wonderlab find out

First View on Chemical Compound Space
Approach for a fully deterministic and rational design of materials from first-principles may revolutionize discovery of compounds

Angewandte Chemie 23/2013: Let There Be Light
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Watch Atoms Form a Bond
Observing the chemical transformation of an individual molecule as it undergoes a complex reaction became possible

Making Colors from Black and White
Colorfast pigments made from amorphous arrays of silicon dioxide and carbon black

Most Accessed Articles: April 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for April 2013

French Chemical Society National and Bi-national Awards
The winners of the annual national and bi-national prizes of the SCF include Klaus Müllen, Santiago Alvarez Reverter, and Samir Zard

Sulfate Aerosols Cool Climate Less Than Assumed
Life span of cloud-forming sulfate particles in the air is shorter than assumed due to a reaction pathway catalysed by mineral dust within clouds