Michael Bendikov, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, has passed away

Michael Bendikov (1971 – 2013)

Is Graphene Really a 2D Material?
The need to make more quantitative use of the total electronic charge density distribution is demonstrated by a long unsolved problem

Reuniting Chemical Disciplines, Separated at Birth
In the 19th Century, every chemist was a polymath. What changed? And how can we reunite the different chemical disciplines?

Guess the Chemist (19)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Spiers Memorial Award for J. Wang
Joseph Wang, University of California, USA, has been awarded the Spiers Memorial Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

First Stepwise Observation of Hydrophobic Self-Assembly
How different hydrophobic effects evolve during multistep hydrophobic self-assembly processes is unveiled by a novel method

Hanuš Medal Awarded
The Hanuš Medal of the Czech Chemical Society was awarded to Oldřich Pytela, Czech Republic, and Otto Wolfbeis, Germany

Crab Shells for Batteries
Successful use of crab shell nanochannel templates to construct hollow nanofiber electrodes for lithium ion batteries

Fast Pollutant Degradation by Nanosheets
Graphene-like ultrathin sheets of MoO3 are highly efficient photocatalysts

Drinking Water from the Sea
Electrochemically mediated seawater desalination in microfluidic systems