Titanium nitride nanoparticles grown on nitrogen-doped graphene sheets are better than Pt-based catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction

New Low-Cost Catalyst for Fuel Cells

Electrochemistry as a Sizing Technique
An electrochemical technique can be used to derive the size distribution of organic nanoparticles

Let's Trist Again
Magnetic switching by using light might lead to a new type of computer storage medium based on an octahedral iron salt

Hydrogen Evolution from Water
A detailed mechanism of hydrogen production by reduction of water with decamethyltitanocene triflate has been derived

Angewandte Chemie 43/2013: Making and Breaking Bonds
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Control of Surface Electrosorption Properties
Changing the relative position of Cu atoms located at the surface of Pt(111) electrodes allows control of the electrosorption properties

Electric Storage System
A simple two-step method to synthesize one-dimensional V2O5 nanofibers (VNFs) for pseudocapacitor applications

Most Accessed Articles: September 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals for September 2013

High-Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells
Amino-Functionalized conjugated metallopolyxmer developed as a cathode interlayer for inverted polymer solar cells

New Way to Quasicrystals
Interface-driven formation of ultrathin quasicrystals from a typical periodic perovskite oxide demonstrated