Flexible solid-state DSSCs on polymer substrates made

Flexible Thin-Film Solar Cells

Otto Hahn Prize 2013
Ferenc Krausz, Germany, has been awarded the Otto Hahn Prize 2013 for his work on attosecond physics

The Falling Walls Conference
The tremendous possibilities arising for mankind were presented in a single day

Better Batteries for Electric Vehicles
Li-EcoSafe – German centre of excellence for battery research established

PiA – Physik im Advent
Daily video experiments promise fun and interesting prizes

Are We Refereeing Ourselves to Death? The Peer-Review System at Its Limit
As François Diederich's term of Chairman of the board of Angewandte Chemie comes to an end, he reflects on the peer-review system

R&D Center of BASF in Korea
BASF to set up Electronic Materials R&D Center Asia Pacific at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea

High-Power Energy Source
New SnO2-based nanomaterials, prepared by a facile vacuum-assisted impregnation method, as anodes for lithium-ion batteries

Detection of Phosphorus in Ice
A new method for the detection of DRP in ice cores has successfully been implemented on a shallow firn core from Greenland

Guess the Chemist (23)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description