Simple synthesis of hollow and yolk-shell iron oxide (FeOx) nanostructures sandwiched between few-layer graphene (FLG) sheets

Batteries with Yolk-Shell Nanoparticles

Multiplex Detection of Ag and Mo Nanoparticles
Simultaneous monitoring of redox reactions of metal nanoparticles allows the multiplex detection of target analytes

X-Ray Diffraction of Nanocrystals
Numerical simulation to extract 3D data by combining diffraction patterns from dozens of nanocrystals for a given compound

The Early Career Series
ChemPlusChem features up and coming researchers whose focus is on multidisciplinary research centering on chemistry

Launch of the International Year of Crystallography
IUCr and UNESCO launched the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr) in Paris

80th Anniversary of Fritz Haber's Death
Fritz Haber, who received the 1918 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements, died January 29, 1934

DFT of MnO2 Surfaces
Detailed DFT investigation of surfaces of rutile MnO2 which is an important material for energy storage and catalysis applications

Gold Medal for Levitt and Warshel
Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel, both USA, receive the highest recognition of the Israel Chemical Society

Sr Atom Clock
Strontium atomic clock sets new records in precision and stability

Water Oxidation by Amorphous Cobalt-Based Oxides
Amorphous cobalt-based oxides show catalytic activity in the bulk of the film, not just at the interface with the electrolyte