Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Angewandte Chemie 7/2014: Cheers!
Freeware Simulation for Renewable Power Plants
The simulation program FreeGreenius calculates profitability and the optimal design of a power plant
Guess the Chemist (26)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Vitamin C Deficiency – Part 2
When scurvy was identified as a form of malnutrition, an exciting race for the isolation, structure determination, and synthesis of vitamin C started
Periodicity of Melting Points
The phenomenon of periodicity is particularly clear in the melting points of the elements
Behind the Scenes of the Wonderlab Cartoon
Interview with Sophie Lin, a chemist in Taiwan, who started drawing the Wonderlab Cartoon Series for ChemistryViews.org in 2010
Chemical Poems: Fluorine
Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table
Batteries with Yolk-Shell Nanoparticles
Simple synthesis of hollow and yolk-shell iron oxide (FeOx) nanostructures sandwiched between few-layer graphene (FLG) sheets
Multiplex Detection of Ag and Mo Nanoparticles
Simultaneous monitoring of redox reactions of metal nanoparticles allows the multiplex detection of target analytes
X-Ray Diffraction of Nanocrystals
Numerical simulation to extract 3D data by combining diffraction patterns from dozens of nanocrystals for a given compound