Guess the name of a mineral with the help of an image and some tips

Guess the Mineral (2)

Chemical Poems: Rubidium
Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table

113th Bunsentagung
The annual meeting of the German Bunsen Society (DBG) for Physical Chemistry was held at the University of Hamburg, Germany

Quality Check for DNA Self-assembly
Fluorescent label can help count how many defects are in DNA self-assemblies

Metallic Room-Temperature Oxide Ion Conductor
A potential candidate for more efficient solid oxide bismuth and iridium fuel cells

100th Anniversary: Joseph Swan's Death
Joseph Swan's research led to developments in photography and the invention of a practical incandescent light bulb

Ionic Liquid Solubilizes Fullerene in Water
Modeling shows imidazolium ionic liquid facilitates the dispersion of C60 in water by forming solute pair

Job: Assistant Editor is looking for an Assistant Editor (f/m)

The Development of a Complete Mind: Integration of the Sciences, Humanities, and Arts
Jay T. Goodwin and David G. Lynn discuss the integration of the sciences, humanities, and arts to teach the concepts of evolution

Chrome Diopside
Answer to Guess the Mineral from April