A new technique for the study of lithium-sulfur batteries: UV/Vis spectroscopy in operando mode

Analyzing Li–S Batteries in Operando Mode

Chrysotile is often called white asbestos and belongs to the serpentine group of phyllosilicates; answer to Guess the Mineral (2)

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Organosilicon Electrodes
Covalent Si–C grafting of a silatrane cage to a carbon-based interface gives a truly conjugated benzyl-type system

Catch Bullets with Foam
Studies reveal details about how foams stop fast bullets

Sodium: The Alternative Battery
MoS2/graphene composite is an excellent anode material for sodium-ion batteries and electrochemical capacitive storage systems

Dating by Electrode
Voltammetry of microparticles used to date archeological artifacts made of copper and bronze

New RSC President
Professor Dominic Tildesley is now president of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK

Mass Production of Synthetic Diamond
A new chemical vapor deposition system boosts single-crystal diamond production to 100 grams a day

Rip Carbon Nanotubes Open
Carbon nanotubes can be unzipped into graphene nanoribbons by breaking C=C bonds through high impact