Feringa's outstanding work is honored with one of the most important photochemistry awards worldwide

Ben Feringa Gives Theodor Förster Memorial Lecture

Literature Prize for Gerd Ganteför
Professor Gantefoer honored by the Chemical Industry Fund (FCI) for his book on nanotechnology

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 26 September
Latest results of the predictions for the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Additive-free Nanoflowers
Platinum nanostructures are prepared on graphene without seed, surfactant or organic solvent

IUCr-UNESCO OpenFactory
As part of the activities of the International Year of Crystallography, STOE, DECTRIS, and Xenocs invited young scientists

Angewandte Chemie 40/2014: Rich Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Celestine has the chemical composition SrSO4 and crystals are often bluish in color; answer to Guess the Mineral

White Light from a Single Dye
An oligophenylene vinylene derivative with pH-dependent fluorescence can emit white light through tuned charge transfer

Self-Templated Electrocatalysts
Highly active catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction were synthesized by using KCl nanocrystals as sacrificial templates

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 19 September
Latest results for the predictions for the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry