Ab initio simulations with new acceleration techniques can be used to explore reactivity
Discovering New Reaction Pathways
Solid Fluids
"Jamming " soft matter leads to switching between solid and liquid behaviour – and a number of possible applications
Behind the Science: Non-Invasive Probing of Nanoparticle Electrostatics
Dr. Lawrence, ChemElectroChem, talks to Professor Compton, Oxford University, UK, about his recent article
Arrhenius Medal Awarded to Licheng Sun
The prestigious award has been presented to Licheng Sun by the Swedish Chemical Society
Guess the Chemist (35)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Breaking Wavefunctions Apart
The behaviour of electron "bubbles" in liquid helium could be explained by fission of the wavefunction
Chemical Tailoring of Thermoelectric Materials
A new material for the conversion of heat into electricity
Angewandte Chemie 45/2014: Mechanics and Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Gold Medals for Guinness Molecules
Finding the most stable structure for a given molecular formula is a rewarding project for teachers and students alike
The Smallest Marches to a Different Tune
Fundamental change in the nature of chemical bonding upon isotopic substitution