Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Raymond Wai-Yeung Wong about 10 years ago and now

10 Years Ago And Now: Raymond Wai-Yeung Wong

Connecting the Dots in Metabolomics
Molecular informatics approach predicts bioactivities of metabolites for drug discovery

As and Sb Monolayers as 2D Semiconductors
Promising high-band gap 2D semiconductor candidates with strain-induced indirect-to-direct band-gap transition

From Asia for the World – 10 Years and Counting
This year, 2015, marks the 10th volume of Chemistry – An Asian Journal

Guess the Chemist (37)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

The Chemistry of Tobacco – Part 4
What does cigarette smoke contain and what does nicotine do to the smoker?

Chemical Poems: Thorium
Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table

The Beauty of Chemistry
The goal of this project is to bring the beauty of chemistry to the general public through digital media and technology

Best of 2014
Take a look at the content you liked best at in 2014

Happy New Year!
The team of wishes you a healthy and successful New Year 2015