Transparent titanium dioxide photocatalyst with tunable electronic properties
New Tunable Phosphorus-Doped Conductor
Aerogen Bonding: Noble, yet Amicable
Covalently bonded noble gas atoms show weak interactions with electron donors
Ewald Wicke Prize for Sereina Riniker
Outstanding young chemist honored for her work on computational methods for biological and chemical questions
Walther Nernst Medal Awarded to Christoph Bräuchle
Honoring achievements in applied physical chemistry
Bunsen Medal 2015
Hans-Joachim Freund, Director of the Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany, honored
Molybdenum Disulfide Switches Under Pressure
Monolayer molybdenum disulfide changes its bandgap under pressure, switches from a photon emitter to a non-emitter
90th Birthday: Ulfert Onken
Ulfert Onken, Technical University Dortmund, Germany, celebrates his 90th birthday
The Art of Chemistry (8)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal
Ionic Seebeck Effect in Conducting Polymers
The ionic Seebeck effect enhances the thermoelectric power factor in PEDOT-derivatives significantly
Organic Electronics: Recent Developments
Organic Electronics: Recent Developments