China's universities are on the rise in the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings

Asia University Rankings 2015

The Art of Chemistry (13)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

Angewandte Chemie 25/2015: Selective Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

First European Employment Survey
Provides insights into education, employment, and salary across Europe

Know the Symbols
Quiz on new hazard symbols of chemicals

The Art of Chemistry (12)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

An Alternative to Graphene Aerogels
3D polypyrrole aerogel prevents electromagnetic interference

Particles Ride on Magnetic Carpets
Magnetic fields propel and steer cargo-carrying colloidal sheets leading to efficient cargo transport

Science Competitions: Gains Beyond Subject Matter
How participating in competitions leads to studying chemistry

Guess the Chemist (42)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?