In chemistry as in our daily lives, alcohol comes in various forms, such as beer, wine, sake, or any organic compound with a hydroxyl group at a saturated carbon atom

Alcohol – Not Just for Drinking

Superconductivity Record
New high temperature record for conducting electricity without resistance

IUPAC-2015 in Busan, Korea
Passion of chemists overwhelms hot summer days in Korea at 48th General Assembly and 45th World Chemical Congress

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2015
Harvard University ranked first overall, UC Berkeley top in the natural sciences

Angewandte Chemie 34/2015: Powering Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Identifying Unethical Scientific Behavior
A survey shows many young researchers are unsure about good scientific practice

ChemPubSoc Europe Fellows Program
A Unique Experiment – A Unique Success: European Chemical Societies Instigate Honors Program

Physics Against Sunburn
Biocompatible films use optical interference effects to block damaging UV light from skin cells

IUPAC Honors Distinguished Women in Chemistry
Awards program aims to promote the work of women chemists and chemical engineers worldwide

SnS Nanoplatelets for Solar Cells
Newly synthesized well-calibrated square SnS nanoplatelets could substitute toxic CdS as buffer material in thin film solar cells