Azacryptand complex enables fast and selective carbon dioxide binding from air

Nickel Complexes for Reversible Carbon Capture

Solvation Science: A New Interdisciplinary Field
Teaming up to understand solvation phenomena

NHC-Catalyzed C–H Activation of Carbonyls
Lewis base character less important than previously thought

Opening a Champagne Bottle
What is the white fog or smoke that appears as a champagne bottle is opened made of?

Solving the Oil Foam Problem
Fatty alcohol crystal platelets stabilize air pockets in nonaqueous foams

Color of Ice
Why does ice appear blue?

Characteristics of Melting Chocolate
How does chocolate behave when melting on the tongue?

75th Anniversary: Discovery of Plutonium
Element 94 was first produced and isolated at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1940

What is the Bond Order of the Carbon Dimer? – Poster Presentation
Markus Hermann, University of Marburg, Germany, talks about whether the carbon dimer has a quadruple bond

Hybrid Methods for Metalloenzymes – Poster Presentation
Dr. Milica Andrejić talks about "Converging Quantum Chemical Treatments of Mo-Dependent Enzyme Catalysis"