Fatty alcohol crystal platelets stabilize air pockets in nonaqueous foams
Solving the Oil Foam Problem
Color of Ice
Why does ice appear blue?
Characteristics of Melting Chocolate
How does chocolate behave when melting on the tongue?
75th Anniversary: Discovery of Plutonium
Element 94 was first produced and isolated at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1940
What is the Bond Order of the Carbon Dimer? – Poster Presentation
Markus Hermann, University of Marburg, Germany, talks about whether the carbon dimer has a quadruple bond
Hybrid Methods for Metalloenzymes – Poster Presentation
Dr. Milica Andrejić talks about "Converging Quantum Chemical Treatments of Mo-Dependent Enzyme Catalysis"
How Amino Acids Formed in the Universe
Professor Meierhenrich, France, about his involvement in the Rosetta mission and its importance for chemists
Quality Control of Computational Methods – Poster Presentation
Dr. Judith Rommel talks about the crisis of trust in science
Efficiently Calculating Processes in Solution – Poster Presentation
Jonas Feldt talks about "Perturbative QM/MM Monte Carlo: Efficient Sampling for the Study of Processes in Solution"
Chemistry Advent Calendar 2015
Prepare for the holidays with this calendar of chemistry highlights