Talking about chemistry with people on the street

Chemistry Street Stars

Synthesis of Si3H4
Elusive chemical species synthesized using crossed molecular beam machine

Twisting and Uneven Liquid Crystals
The molecular shape of unsymmetrical bimesogenic liquid crystals dictates a twist-bend phase

Science Slam Championship Goes to …
Science Slam Championship promotes a better understanding of science in an entertaining way

65th Birthday: Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
Combustion chemistry expert celebrates 65th birthday

Third Natural Quasicrystal Discovered
Previously unknown natural quasicrystal probably originates from meteorite collision in space

Lit Candle Covered With a Glass
What happens if you cover a lit candle in a water basin with a glass?

Most Accessed Articles: November 2016
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Where is the Heat of a Candle Flame?
With an experiment of Michael Faraday we examine where the heat of a candle is

Brexit Factsheet
European University Association (EUA)’s factsheet visualizes the role of the UK in the European Research Area