Importance of and support for ethical and social dimensions of chemistry

Ethics in Chemistry

First Bose-Einstein Condensate in Space
Bose-Einstein condensate produced in space and used for interferometry experiments

Jerome A. Berson (1924 – 2017)
Physical organic chemist passed away

Most Accessed Articles: December 2016
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Dispersion Forces in Frustrated Lewis Pairs
Theoretical study on frustrated Lewis pairs reveals contribution of London dispersion forces

The Plus of Networking Between Scientists
Marisa Spiniello, Editor of ChemPlusChem, about the challenge to publish truly multidisciplinary papers

Fritz Vögtle (1939 – 2017)
Pioneer of dendrimer chemistry passed away

All-soft Electrical Conductors
Simple method to make all-soft liquid metal sponges with high electrical conductivity and flexibility

Basic Tips: Write Better Research Papers
Figurative summary on main tips to improve your writing

Ben Zhong Tang’s 60th Birthday
Polymer scientist and pioneer of aggregation-induced emission is celebrated in Special Issue of Polymer Chemistry