Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 9/2019: The Fundamental Pillar

DNA Ligands Interfere with DNA Repair
Interaction of functionalized naphthalenophanes with abasic sites in DNA improves efficiency of cancer drugs

A Self-Powered Cardiac Pacemaker
Implantable piezoelectric generator harvests energy from heartbeats

Bacterial Membranes Influence Antibiotic Resistance
Simple mechanism makes bacteria resistant to polymyxin antibiotics

3D‐Printed Ceramic Scaffold as a Bone Substitute
Multi-component, calcium silicate‐based material could replace transplanted bone grafts

Polymer Dots for Hydrogen Therapy
Semiconducting polymer nanoparticles in liposomes enable hydrogen production in living tissue

Angewandte Chemie 7/2019: Building Blocks
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Early Stage Lung Cancer Diagnosis
Promising sensing capabilities of multi-layer graphene

Tattoos – The Skin as a Canvas
What are tattoo inks and where do the colors come from? Where in the skin is the tattoo?

Layered, Scaffold‐Free Structures of Human Cells
Using a bio-3D printer to recreate the ringed, layered structure of a trachea