Guanfacine doubles as an anti-virulence agent against a bacterial pathogen

Disarming Resistant Bacteria with a Hypertension Drug

Angewandte Chemie 20/2019: Reshaping Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Ultrathin Antibacterial Coatings for Bone Implants
Layered material made from graphene oxide and lysozyme

Iridium-Coumarin Anticancer Conjugates
Generating superoxide anion radicals for photodynamic therapy

A T-Shirt That Can Stop Bleeding
Zeolite-cotton hybrid material developed

Metal–Organic Framework Protects Frozen Red Blood Cells
Zirconium-based nanoparticles can replace toxic organic solvents or expensive antifreeze proteins

Localized Drug Synthesis Inside Cells
Biocompatible catalyst for in vivo drug generation in cell organelles

Heart Function Can Be Controlled with Light
Photoswitchable drug allows reversible optical control

Optimized MRI Contrast Agent
Improving the properties of compounds already approved for clinical use by simple modifications

Reducing the Arsenic Content of Parboiled Rice
Simple change in the order of processing steps reduces inorganic arsenic content by 25 %