Intracyclic labeling using cyclotron‐produced carbon dioxide

Carbon-11 from CO2 Built Directly into Heterocycles

Chiral Supraparticles for Controllable Nanomedicine
Incorporating d‐chirality into supraparticles enhances uptake by cancer cells and prolongs in vivo stability in circulation

Equilibrating Equality – Twelve LGBTQ Chemists Share Their Experiences
Highlighting chemists who have contributed to the visibility initiative "500 Queer Scientists"

To Generate Innovations
Marion Paolini just finished her postdoc in one of the most well-known biotechnology labs and speaks about mentoring and innovation

Equilibrating Equality – The Current Situation of LGBTQ Scientists
Being part of a sexual or gender minority in the sciences

Anti-Cancer Immune System Upgrade
Nanoparticles act as artificial enzymes in catalytic immunotherapy

Luminescent Nanoparticles Help to Detect Breast Cancer Cells
Nanoprobes could help with both tracking and therapy of tumors

Biosynthetic Origin of a Rare Pyrazole-Containing Antibiotic
Biosynthetic gene cluster for the C-nucleoside antibiotic pyrazomycin identified

Fluorine Analogue of DDT Revisited
Compounds similar to the banned insecticide could help to prevent diseases

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 – Voting Results October 8
Results of your predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry